Our history
From hardware shop to international business
The story about Sumborg goes back to 1888 where the hardware shop J. Sumborgs Galanteri & Udstyrsforretning was founded. In the end, the shop was managed by the brothers Henrik and Jørgen Sumborg.
The business acumen and the desire for trading are a family characteristic, and MerchantSumborg A/S was founded in 1996 by the brothers Henrik and Jørgen Sumborg. The brothers stated the company as a project in their spare time without any employees while managing the hardware shop. They started buying up surplus stock and overstock from other hardware shops and suppliers. Therefore, the company started as a hobby, but Henrik Sumborg was quickly employed in a full-time position. They expanded the company furthermore when they moved on to the insurance industry. But the brothers Sumborg were industrious merchants, and they benefited from the market during the financial crisis in late 2008, where they began with transportation, logistics and sales of distressed contractors and agricultural machinery from several leasing companies. Over the years, they built a growing company, and in 2013 they decided to close the hardware store. When the hardware store closed in 2013, it was the city’s oldest business in the same family. Today, the family is renting the building to apartments and retail premises.

The hardware store on Sct. Mathias Gade 56 in 1919.

The building today.
The apartments can be seen under the domain Sumborg Ejendomme in Danish here.
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